Wednesday, July 14, 2010

List of Animals that You Know!

Do you remember the exercise entitled "List of Novel Titles" which you did a while ago? OK, this exercise is almost the same to your brain; however, you memory is scanned on slightly different areas.

Take a pen and paper and in 15 minutes, write down the name of all animals that you know; it does not matter whether you have ever seen them or not; you just need to know the name. Any kind or types of animals; invertebrates: insects, mollusks, crustaceans, corals, and vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc.

During this exercise, you should not be interrupted; fully concentrated.

Try to write with correct spellings; if you cannot does not matter; just write down as for now the count of names that you can remember is important. Try to use your memory power in this 15 minute exercise to write down more and more animal names as much as possible.

When finished; count the names; how many?

less than a hundred? not good; you need to study, read and practice more ...
120 names? Good job!
150 names? WOW, excellent!!!

Now, check whether the spellings are correct; if not then try to learn/memorize the correct spellings.