Friday, March 26, 2010

List of Items No. 4 (Capitals)

This is a list of 10 countries and their capitals. Just memorize the capital city for each country and its spelling:

1. Kenya > Nairobi
2. Ghana > Accra
3. Uganda > Kampala
4. Bahrain > Manama
5. Cambodia > Phnom Penh
6. Kazakhstan > Astana
7. Sri Lanka > Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte
8. Belarus > Minsk
9. Iceland > Reykjavík
10. Kosovo > Pristina

Suppose that you cannot memorize "Pristina is the capital of Kosovo". To resolve this issue, imagine, in the midnight around 1:00am, one of your close friends calls you. She says, "My flight was about to crash by the pilot could save us."
You, "Where are you now?"
She, "In a cold desert."
You, "Where???"
She, "Let me ask ..."
You are anxious ...
She, "We are about 20Km of Pristina."
You, "WHAT? Where?!"
You, "WHAT? PRISTINA! Where the hell's that?!"
She, "Let me ask ..."
You are wondering and anxious ... you think, "Pristina! Is it in Afrika?! Never heard of that!"
She, "Hello ..."
You, "Yeah ... hey ... where?"
She, "The capital of Kosovo!"

If you could imagine this story exactly and clearly you would never forget that Pristina is the capital of Kosovo.

Make stories that make more sense to you in order to memorize and recall abstract items!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Days in 1999, 1998, … 1990

You already did this important exercise for years 2009, 2008, 2000. Now, do the same for 1999, 1998, ..., 1990! Again, it should be done as quickly as possible; in the worst-case scenario not in more than 150 minutes; the faster the better!

Remember a special day, a private event, a good day, or a bad day in 1999. Just one day. In a sentence or two, write down what happened in that day. For now, one or two sentence is enough.

Do the above task exactly for 1998, then 1997, 1996, … and for 1990.

Please do NOT give up! Review the guide in the post, "10 Days in 2009, 2008, … 2000!"

So, now, by regarding the record that you already saved for "10 Days in 2009, 2008, … 2000", you have a set of records for 20 days among 20 years; a day for each year.

Entitle the paper containing your sentences as 10 Days in 10 Days in 1999, 1998, … 1990. Keep your new record in a safe place as you would require it in the future posts.


Do the "Counting Practice" now! Then, do the "Radio Practice"!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Know 3 Shapes in Geometry

Rememeber these shapes in geometry:

Dodecahedron: A dodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve flat faces, but usually a regular dodecahedron is meant.

Icosahedron: An icosahedron is a regular polyhedron with 20 identical equilateral triangular faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices.

Icosidodecahedron: An icosidodecahedron is a polyhedron with twenty triangular faces and twelve pentagonal faces.

Four Nobel Winners in Literature

Remember these faces, their names, and the year each won the Nobel prize in literature!

Orhan Pamuk (2006 Nobel Winner in Literature)

Doris Lessing (2007 Nobel Winner in Literature)

J. M. G. Le Clézio (2008 Nobel Winner in Literature)

Herta Müller (2009 Nobel Winner in Literature)

Now, you know four Nobel winners in literature for the years 2006-2009. Keep in mind that you would be asked on these faces.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friend's Cell Number in Zuzu

Suppose your very close friend works in a country called Zuzu, where a cell number is very long number. You want to memorize his/her number:


Memorize it! Do not try to find a clue or relation among the digits. Just memorize it normally, even if it takes several minutes or hours to memorize it.

Your memory needs food. This is a small food for it!

List of Items No. 3 (Novels)

This is a list of 20 great novels of all time and their authors. Just memorize the author's name for each novel:

1. Anna Karenina -- Leo Tolstoy

2. War and Peace -- Leo Tolstoy

3. The Brothers Karamazov -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

4. The Idiot -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

5. The Gambler -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

6. Crime and Punishment -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

7. Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented -- Thomas Hardy

8. The Reivers -- William Faulkner

9. A Fable -- William Faulkner

10. Guard of Honor -- James Gould Cozzens

11. The Way West -- A. B. Guthrie

12. The Town -- Conrad Richter

13. The Caine Mutiny -- Herman Wouk

14. The Old Man and the Sea -- Ernest Hemingway

15. Andersonville -- MacKinlay Kantor

16. The Voice at the Back Door -- Elizabeth Spencer

17. A Death in the Family -- James Agee

18. The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters -- Robert Lewis Taylor

19. Advise and Consent -- Allen Drury

20. To Kill a Mockingbird -- Harper Lee

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Neighbours

Take a pen and paper. Entitle the paper as My Neighbours.

Try to remember the name of all people who are living or working in your neighbourhood (where you live); all people, old, young, kids, ... landlords, tenants, shopkeepers, everyone. If you cannot remember a name, write down his or her characteristics, behavior, or specifications; e.g. the guy who works in building No. 111, is bald and wears sunglasses, etc.

Write down as many as you can remember; but just in 30 minutes or less.

Keep your paper in a safe place as you would require it in the next posts.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quiz No. 2

1. What items are in Picture One?

2. Say the single verse of Sonnet 46 by William Shakespeare!

3. What are the colors in the flag of Wales?

4. What is Albert Einstein's date of birth?

5. Spell Rectangle in German!

6. Who is the author of Alice in Wonderland?

7. What is the English word meaning "A behavior or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person"?

8. What is the airline name on the picture that depicted an airplane?

9. Say nine objects depicted in Room No. One!

10. What country is shown below:

If you could answer 5 or more questions correctly and completely then you have done the exercises very well otherwise:
Just do NOT give up and carefully restart and follow all posts as in "Archive (Posts 1 to 24)". You would get the desired result if and only if you would not give up and do not discard any post/exercise.