Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Write a Paragraph with New Words

Learn the following English words (remember the meanings and spellings); then without seeing them again, write down a single paragraph containing all of these words (use your brain power to relate them; your paragraph might be funny; no problem; however, it should be correct). Note that while writing the paragraph you should not look at these words; so you also have to remember this set of words. Writing the whole paragraph should be done in ten minutes; be fast in writing your own sentences.

gore: a small usually triangular piece of land (as where two roads diverge)

sorgo: a sorghum cultivated for the sweet juice in its stems (to make sugar and syrup)

pellucid: transparent

coeval: of the same age or antiquity; contemporary

affranchise: to make or set free from obligation or service

eremite: a religious recluse; hermit

gregarious: tending or enjoying to be in crowds and socializing