Saturday, February 12, 2011

Four Rows of Tens

Following are four rows of ten numbers each. Try to memorize as many numbers as possible in the correct sequence in 6 minutes. Then, after 10 minutes, write them all on a piece of paper.

Now, check your numbers; for each number you have written in the correct sequence give yourself 3 points, for each correct number in an incorrect sequence 1 point, no point for a missing number, and for each wrong number -2 points.

What is the sum of your points? Assume that is X.
The maximum possible score is 40 * 3 = 120.
So your score would be X / 120.

Keep in mind your score for this exercise with a tag as Four Rows of Tens. In the future posts you would be asked to remember your score for Four Rows of Tens.
