Saturday, September 3, 2011

Image Study [1]

In one minute, study the following picture very carefully:

Now, scroll down and do not refer to the above image!

Now, answer the following questions! Then, for each correct answer give yourself a 10. There are ten questions. So your total score would be out of 100. You can find the answers at the bottom of this post.

1. Excluding the horizontal line, how many items are in the picture?

2. How many items are above the horizontal line?

3. In which corner is the camel standing?

  • Top-Left
  • Top-Right
  • Bottom-Left
  • Bottom-Right

4. What is located at the right of the cow?

5. How many birds are there?

6. What can be found right on the top of the ship?

7. Is the dog above the horizontal line or below it?

8. There are two bikes; one above the horizontal line and one below it. Which one is bigger?

9. What is located at the bottom-right corner of the picture?

10. Above the horizontal line, what is located between the bike and the car?

Scroll down to see the answers and check with yours!


1. 15
2. 7
3. Bottom-Left
4. Umbrella
5. 1
6. Bike
7. Above
8. The bike above the horizontal line
9. Horse
10. Fighter (airplane)
